The Tate

Eugene, OR 


PROJECT TYPE - Market Rate Condominiums & Office
COMPLETION - June 2006
CLIENT - Olive Street Condominiums LLC
CONSTRUCTION COST - $12.3 million
SIZE - 36 condominiums, 92,000 sf total


2006 - Oregon Downtown Development Association: Pioneering Project Award


Located on the southern edge of Eugene’s downtown core, The Tate Condominium development provides 36 high-quality customized residential units, common room, roof terraces, 3,500 sf of ground floor commercial space and secure covered parking. 

The Tate is a pioneering project and catalyst for future similar development. The density and intensity create an energy that broadens the urban core and enriches the neighborhood.

Units range from 794 sf one-bedroom units to 2,128 sf three-bedroom units, all with large balconies or terraces. 

The design includes a six-story concrete framed structure, with brick exterior cavity “rain-screen” walls. The penthouse floor is clad in zinc shingles.

Project Completed by Paul Jeffreys as Lead Designer while at SERA Architects

Photographs used with the kind permission of Michael Mathers Photography.