411 NW Park Avenue
Portland, OR
PROJECT TYPE - Adaptive Re-Use, Creative Office
CLIENT - ConoverBond Development
SIZE - 50,000 sf office
LEED BD+C Core & Shell Gold Certified
411 NW Park is a renovation of the General Automotive Building, a three and two-story engineering warehouse, into a mixed-use office building with a new, two-story penthouse addition. The original 1923 heavy timber structure has been seismically improved and extended up to create four floors of ‘loft’ style creative office space and ground floor retail/ restaurant space. The original window sills were lowered to improve day-lighting, views and ventilation, the resulting salvaged bricks were used for the third story addition. All of the original windows were replaced with larger, high-performance units.
The new full floor-to-floor glass penthouse is a response to the unique location immediately adjacent to the lush, tree-lined North Park Blocks. The glass penthouse also distinguishes the old from new. The penthouse corners are setback to lighten the effect of the addition and provide the offices with an outdoor balcony amenity set within the park’s tree canopy.
Project Completed by Paul Jeffreys as Lead Designer while at SERA Architects